Thursday, December 13, 2012


I'm linking up to let you know what is OK today :

Its Ok Thursdays
That I thought it was a good idea to run a few errands last night after getting my brows waxed. I thought a little pressed powder on top of the fresh wound would make everything okay, but apparently I was wrong. People were looking at me in horror as if I had just been mauled outside in the parking lot by a circus tiger.
That I am going to get some fresh highlights in about an hour and have no intention on changing the pants that I slept in all night.
That I have like 4000 presents to wrap for Xmas and they are all sitting on the floor in front of me right now but I am choosing to write this post instead.
That I look like a ghost - it's 20 degrees outside and I would love to lay out in the sun and soak up some vitamin D but I think I'll have to settle for a spray tan instead.
That I "accidentally" left up a page of bedroom vanities on my hubby's laptop in case he has a desire to buy me one for Xmas :)
Have a wonderful Thursday Lovely Ladies!


  1. Love the hint to your hubby, sometimes subtle just doesn't work! And I need some vitamin D & color too, but sunless tanner it is for this girl too!

  2. YAY highlights, I go in my pjs all the time!

    Sometimes men need direct help ;)!


  3. I send my husband things I want and I better get them! LOL Especially since they are cheapo stocking stuffers.

  4. Sometimes you just have to skip over subtle and go right to direct.

  5. Totally agree about the waxing, every time I go they still get super red!

  6. have you ever tried getting your brows threaded? its amazing!

  7. I'm that girl who goes out after a wax too! People stare and stare!

  8. Hi there! I nominated you for a Liebster Award....check it out here:

    xoxo Alex
